Megacode 3


Question 1

You are called by a nursing student because a patient's heart rate is 44 bpm. You will respond immediately, but which of the following facts about the patient would make you feel the most encouraged?

Question 2

When you enter the room, you find that the patient is an elderly gentleman and presumably not an elite athlete. He is lying on his back and said that he has felt funny for about an hour. He reports some dizziness and some mild chest pain. He almost fell while going to the bathroom. The nursing student adds that he has high blood pressure and is on a beta-blocker. What do you suspect is happening to this patient?

Question 3

You measure the patient's blood pressure and find him to be hypotensive. His blood pressure is 85/55 mm Hg. The nursing student adds that his normal pressure is approximately 140/90 mm Hg. Pulse oximetry reveals an oxygen saturation of 91%. What is the next action?

Question 4

You apply supplemental oxygen via nasal cannula and send someone to retrieve a 12-lead ECG. In the meantime, you decide to treat the symptomatic bradycardia with poor perfusion. What treatment will you choose first?

Question 5

Another staff member is applying the ECG leads, but it has been about 3 minutes since the first dose of atropine was given. The patient's heart rate initially increased to 60 bpm but now is at 50 bpm. You decide to administer another dose of atropine. What dose will you give?

Question 6

You obtain a 12-lead ECG and there is ST-segment elevation in leads II, III, and aVF. What is your next action?

Question 7

You confirm that the patient has no known drug allergies. Since you now suspect a myocardial infarction, what is your next action?

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Question List
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7