Customer Reviews

Over 2,344 verified reviews from happy healthcare professionals who have certified with ACLS Medical Training.

Worth the $$$

Certified in ACLS

I felt like I learned more in this course than in a live review

One of the lowest prices and the best self-directed study

Certified in BLS

After being BLS/CPR certified since 2009, this is more of a chore than anything else. Glad for the update summaries r/t COVID 2020-2025 as well as the ability to run through the modules and practice tests as little or as much as you need to depending on your recall. I am pretty sure one of the practice test questions was incorrectly marked. I took the practice test once and got 100%, then took it again with the same answers and got a 90%. I re-read the question and it was an "all of the above are correct" response. I didn't dwell on it but someone may want to take a peek at the practice tests to make sure it makes sense, and perhaps the grading rubric to make sure it is marking it correctly.

Comprehensive review.

Certified in BLS

The course offers a good review that serves both the layperson and the professional.

4 Star Review

Certified in BLS, ACLS, PALS

4 out of 5 stars - would recommend

BLS renewal course

Certified in BLS

It was easy to complete for someone renewing certification. Some of the info wasn't easy to find in the modules. So much easier than having to go and test in person though!!!

4 Star Review

Great way to renew my certification, for about the 20th time

4 Star Review

Certified in BLS

Met my needs for renewal quickly and at a fair price.

Excellent online course for Recertification of ACLS

Certified in BLS, ACLS

The course review materials are excellent, easy to access and read. I liked the megacodes and practice tests but wish you had a few more of each since this is an online course only.

4 Star Review

Certified in BLS

4 stars

As good as any ACLS course.

I can't fault the company who put together this course and the tests, but overall these algorithm-based topics tend to be too specific about things for which there are few data. Memorizing numbers like 30:2, 15:2, one second, five seconds, ten seconds is tedious and for board-certified Emergency Physicians like myself seem ridiculous as the overall principles are more important. But this course is no different from any other I've taken about similar topics (ACLS, PALS, ATLS) so my comment is more about the overall approach than any company's course.